Muse Live at the United Center January 13th, 2016

As I sip on my coffee, reviewing the amazing night I had last night, I can finally say I can die happy. Muse is the greatest live band I have ever seen live. The lights, the props, the drone flying around, the video projections. All these things contributed to the night I had last night. From the setlists I have seen from shows in the past month, it stayed the same mostly, except for a couple of gems I thought were amazing to hear live (I will post a whole set list of the concert down below).

There were some songs, I thought, for sure they wouldn't pull out in concert due to them being long, or just not as popular as say Stockholm Syndrome, or Plug in Baby, both of which they did not play. The surprises on this setlist were Map of the Problematique, Resistance, Undisclosed Desires, and The Globalist. Map of the Problematique, in my opinion, is one of the most underrated Muse songs out there. For them to pull this gem off of Black Holes and Revelations was a treat to hear. Once the main bass riff started, the crowd went nuts. Resistance and Undisclosed Desires, the other big hits next to Uprising on The Resistance album were also shockers. Don't get me wrong, great songs, but like I said, they could've played Plug in Baby. I think they wanted to treat the fans, and honestly, I preferred hearing these two over Plug in Baby and Stockholm due to them not being as big as hits as the other two. Hearing the piano kick in, and the drums, I knew this was a special concert. Lastly, a song that holds a special place in my heart, The Globalist. The Globalist echos a melody from The Nimrod Variations by Edward Elgar. This is one hell of a long song, and they just killed it. Once the song shifts into Matt Bellamy's guitar riff, a reaper drone that resembles a bomber flew around the stadium and brought a whole new meaning to the song. Muse is sending out a message here if we don't stop, drones will rule the world, and we all will be dead. It's cool to see it flying around, but they do it to send a message as well. These were my gems of the concert that I might never see played again due to the sheer number of other songs in their disposal.

Muse has done some things, technologically, that put me in awe when they were playing. When Muse started playing The Handler, 6 screens fell from the rafters and puppet hands were projected on the screen. The strings of the puppets projected perfectly onto Matt and Christopher Wolstenholme. Whenever they would walk, the puppet strings would follow them around the stadium. I have a video and it's worth seeing on the Facebook page because it's just crazy how they do it.

This is probably the greatest concert I will see, and I would see Muse again in the heartbeat. The energy, time and effort they put into the concert are only comparable by one other artist I have seen live, and that is Paul McCartney. They are very comparable live, and both should be seen before you die. How would I rate this concert? 20/10, I don't think there is any other concert comparable to this one. This was pure Madness.

-Drill Sergeant/ Psycho
-Dead Inside
-Interlude/Hysteria/ Back in Black outro
-Map of the Problematique/ Who knows Who outro
-The 2nd Law: Isolated System
-The Handler
-Supermassive Black Hole/ Voodoo Chile intro
-Apocalypse Please
-Munich Jam
-Undisclosed Desires
-Reapers (During the Outro Solo, Matt destroyed his guitar, Photo courtesy of the Muse Facebook Page)
-Time is Running Out
-Uprising (No guitar because he smashed it, he had it for the solo, and the extended outro)
-The Globalist (Reaper Drone is flying around)
-Knights of Cydonia/ Man With a Harmonica intro

This was a long concert and it was a great concert! Never a dull moment and when they come back, I will too. More photos will be posted on the Facebook page with videos as well!

Brendan C.




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